Jeg har længe strikket firkanter uden rigtig at finde ud af at komme videre med det, og der ligger så lige pludselig store firkanter, strikket i Fair Isle og strikket sammen til sjaler og trøjer. Ja, selv følgelig……….
At the Madrone Retreat, I met Ann and Eugene Bourgois. They come from Canada and know something about wool, patterns and Fair Isle knitting, which is incredible inspiring. I had one of these experiences, where I on the one hand felt very stupid (why haven’t I though of this myself…..) and on the other hand saw everything fall into place. I have for a long time been interesting in knitting squares and knitted lots of swatches without knowing what to do with them. Suddenly I just in front of me I see big squares in Fair Isle knitting gathered into shawls and sweaters. Yes, of course……..
Billede af firkanterne her / picture of the squares
Blandt de mange andre smukke ting de havde med på Madrona var en sweater som var megget, meget spændende.
Among many other beautiful things they brought to Madrona I found this exceptional.
Among many other beautiful things they brought to Madrona I found this exceptional.
Diamond Eyes Jacket
Eugene strikker hurtigt – eller jeg er dårlig til at tage billeder – eller begge dele
Eugene is a fast knitter – or I am just a bad photographer – or both
Du kan købe garn og kits her/
You can buy yarn and kits here:
Eugene strikker hurtigt – eller jeg er dårlig til at tage billeder – eller begge dele
Eugene is a fast knitter – or I am just a bad photographer – or both
Du kan købe garn og kits her/
You can buy yarn and kits here:
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