De næste 3 dage holder jeg ferie "helt alene" - dog får jeg besøg af 3 gode strikkevenner i morgen og så skal der strikkes og snakkes.
Jeg regner med at bruge dagene på at få opskriften til efterårstrøjen lavet - og så skal jeg have oversat nogle af mine gamle opskrifter til engelsk.
Finally the ”Autumn cardigan” is finished. I have changed the things that were not quite good in the first version. After all I like the blue and violet colours and I have noticed that I just now have similar colours in the garden.
The next 3 days I have holyday “just me” without family. Tomorrow three knitting friends are coming to knit and talk – I am looking forward to it.
I will use the days off, to make the pattern for the Autumn Cardigan and I think of translating some of my old patterns to English as well