Efter at de seneste halve år har været præget af bekymring, sorg, hedigvis også glæde og mange opgaver i familien er fokus nu ved at vende sig i en mere kreativ retning igen.
Strikkeprøverne til "Vinter sweateren" har længe ligget på mit bord og det må bestemt være årstid og vejr til at arbejde videre med den.
A little late, but happy new year.
During the latest six month most of my attention has been paid to event in my family. There have been both sad and happy times, but no it seem as if I again can focus on my knitting.
The swatches for the “Winter sweater” have been on my desk for some time already and now the weather cannot be more winter-ish for working on.
During the latest six month most of my attention has been paid to event in my family. There have been both sad and happy times, but no it seem as if I again can focus on my knitting.
The swatches for the “Winter sweater” have been on my desk for some time already and now the weather cannot be more winter-ish for working on.
The weather has been very dark today. I had to bring my knitting basket out into the snow to get a reasonable picture of the shawl I am knitting. It’s Daisy in blue colours – all Kauni yarn and mostly remains.
7 kommentarer:
Godt nytår!
Vintersweateren ser meget spændenden, jeg glæder mig til at se den færdig.
Godt nytår til dig også. Dejligt at se, at værkstedet har åbent idag!
Strikkeprøverne til vintersweateren ser meget spændende ud. Jeg glæder mig til at følge den.
I can't wait to see more of your winter design! I love the colors in the newest version of the Daisy design. Now that year two of Nihon Vogue is complete, I can start doing all the things I have dreamed of doing....of which are a few of your designs! Miss you.
De prøvene ser flotte ut. Lykke til med strikkingen -- og selvfølgelig: Godt nytt år til deg og dine!
This is so beautiful! I think I like it better than the original. Do you have any idea which Kauni colors you used?
wonderfull colours you are choosed
where i get these pattern
On April 5, I awarded your blog an award. Details are on my blog at http://jpknits.com. I do love your sense of design and eagerly await new entries from you. Thank you for being so helpful to those of us limited to English only.
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