søndag den 1. juli 2007

2. udgave - fortsat

2. udgave af efterårstrøjen vokser. Selvom jeg tadigvæk synes den er spændende at strikke, vil jeg godt blive færdig nu, så jeg kan komme videre med noget nyt.

Det jeg synes er det mest spændende er at se, hvordan farverne virker sammen - og hvordan den enkelte farve kan ændre sig fuldstændigt, når den bliver sat sammen med en anden. Her bliver det tydeligt hvad en klog gammel lærer sagde engang: Én farve er ingenting, før den bliver sat sammen med en anden.

Second version of the autumn cardigan grows. All though I still like knitting it, I now want to finish it and go on to something new. The most exciting thing is to see how the colours work together and how a colour changes, when knitted together with different colours. I once had an old teacher, who said: One colour alone is nothing until it relates to another. (I hope it make sense)

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Ilove your cardigan, it's so georgous.I wait all your post with impatience.Please, sell your pattern, i'll buy it immediately

Anonym sagde ...

Your color comment makes lots of sense. I don't care for orange, unless it is next to a lovely blue. And one of my favorite colors, periwinkle, looks blue when next to purple and purple when next to blue!

The sweater is wonderful to see as you progress. Thank you!

Anonym sagde ...

The colour comment makes perfect sense and your teacher was right, I love looking at the effects colours have on each other. Your cardigan pattern is beautiful; you are very, very talented.

Anonym sagde ...

Hvor er dine trøjer flotte.
Jeg har længe syntes at garnet med de lange farveskift var spændende, men har ikke kunnet finde noget jeg syntes kunne være godt at strikke af det. - Ikke før nu!

Anonym sagde ...

We are so many dying to knit your beautiful Udgave! I know french and american knitters, including me, barely breathing, and hoping that you will sell the pattern.
Give us some hope!
Thank you for your beautiful creations, and thank you for posting now in english too!

Anonym sagde ...

Just want to be on record as another admirer of the creative design, colors and craftsmanship of Udgave. When will the pattern be available?
Please let us know! uculwp@aol.com
a.k.a. natascha